The 2020 SouthWest Writers Parris Award is presented to Jacqueline Murray Loring, SouthWest Writers most prestigious award. Established in 1987 in the name of Parris Afton Bonds by SouthWest Writers (SWW) it is awarded by the SWW Board of Directors to a published writer with a published body of work, has shown a pattern of extraordinary effort in furthering the aims of the organization, and has given outstandingly of time and talent to other writers.

Loring is an award-winning poet, writer, play and screenwriter and film maker. She was the executive director of the Cape Cod Writers Center and Summer Conference as well as director of Eventide Arts (Dennis, Massachusetts) full-length play writing contest. Among Lorings published works are: Summer Home Volume I and II, The History of Bearing Children, a poetry collection published in Galway, Ireland, KiMo Theatre: Fact & Folklore, and Vietnam Veterans Unbroken: Conversations on Trauma and Resiliency.

The Parris Award was presented on behalf of SouthWest Writers’ board of directors by Rose Marie Kern, president, SWW. The Parris Award is named for Parris Afton Bonds, the awards first recipient. Parris Afton Bonds is the mother of five sons and the author of over forty published novels. She is the co-founder of Romance Writers of America as well as the cofounder of Southwest Writers Workshop (later renamed SouthWest Writers). Among the prestigious recipients of the Parris Award are Tony Hillerman and the Pulitzer nominee Norman Zollinge and Sarah Baker. For more information, go to: